Editor’s note: Dana Santas, known as the “Mobility Maker,” is a certified strength and conditioning specialist and mind-body coach in professional sports, and is the author of the book “Practical Solutions for Back Pain Relief.”
For years, conventional wisdom in fitness culture has promoted the belief that stretching to become more flexible leads to better movement and injury prevention.
But what if I told you that the road to improved mobility isn’t always paved with stretching?
As a mobility coach in professional sports, I’ve learned that the key to healthy movement encompasses a variety of factors determined by your body’s specific needs. And those don’t always include more flexibility.
Young woman at the gym exercising with dumbbell weights. FluxFactory/E+/Getty Images
The stretching misconception
Flexibility is valuable, but it’s not the only consideration for optimizing joint function. Our joints set the foundation for movement by creating the capacity for your range of motion, and your muscles support joint action. Because functional joints require a combination of both mobility and stability, muscles need to be both flexible and strong to support joints properly.
Driven by a pervading assumption that flexibility is the ultimate measure of joint health — and because stretching tends to feel good and takes relatively little effort — people frequently focus much more on stretching than strengthening.
Unfortunately, this imbalanced approach can lead to joint instability, chronic pain and increased risk of injury. And since stretching is often touted as a cure-all for pain, I have seen too many individuals get caught in an unhealthy, painful cycle in which they stretch even more to relieve the tension and pain that they are unwittingly increasing with their continued stretching.
How stretching can increase tension
In cases in which the joints are unstable due to issues such as laxity, injury, hypermobility or misalignment, the body will generally compensate by tightening surrounding muscles to provide additional stability. This compensatory mechanism, known as protective tension, acts to protect you from going into a range of motion that your joint can’t support.
If you don’t recognize when tension is protective in nature and attempt to relieve it by stretching, the body typically responds by increasing the tension. What’s more, stretching aggressively against protective tension can further destabilize the joint and increase the risk of injury.
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When stretching isn’t the answer
Before using stretching as a quick fix for muscle tension, it’s important to ask yourself why you feel tight in the first place so you can determine if stretching isn’t advisable.
Knowing the underlying cause of your discomfort will help you recognize protective tension and prioritize the most appropriate approaches, which could include strengthening and corrective exercise to increase stability and restore alignment.
When assessing whether stretching is right for you, you should keep in mind special circumstances, such as pregnancy, in which hormonal changes, including the release of relaxin, can increase joint laxity. Some prescription drugs can also cause joint and muscle pain.
If you’re unsure why you feel tight or if you have a condition that might make stretching inadvisable, consult with your doctor or physical therapist for insight into your specific situation.